Barks and Parks

Cano, Christmas Dog 2024!

Reba passed today (9/18/2022). Please enjoy the trips to local parks we took due to COVID lock downs and that she had cancer and was already a year past her diagnosed expiration date of 2019. 3 years later, my brave girl finally had to leave us.

Reba (aka Fatty)

Reba is our drive-by dog; someone drove by and dropped her on us as a puppy 14 years ago! Here’s a few of the parks we visited in 2020:

Carbondale Park
Challenger 7 Park
Lubell Park (Mary’s Mile Trail)
Mini Park 1 (no dog, but a boat!)
Oldest House and Best Dog in Tulsa (Owen Park)
Owen Park
Schlegel Park [even she wouldn’t get out]