Bibliography for July Article

Astronomy Through the Ages, R, Wilson, p,13

They Dance in the Sky, J.G. Monroe and R.A. Williamson, p.69

Why the North Star Stands Still, and Other Indian Legends, W. R. Palmer (ed.), p. 71

Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, R. Burnham Jr., p.2012

Soap Operas of the Sky, J. Kuich, p. 56

Matter Earth and Sky, G. Gamow, p.390

Sky Country (First Knowledges – Astronomy), K. Noon, K, DeNapoli, p.97

New Patterns in the Sky, J.D.W. Staal

Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, R. Burnham Jr., p.2014

Early Man and the Cosmos. E. Hadingham, p.23

 Prehistoric Astronomy in the Southwest, J.M. Malville and C. Putnam, p.15

In Search of Ancient Astronomers, E.C. Krupp ed., p. 36


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I understand the reason why people like using the new AI services, I have been in the situation where the paper is due tomorrow and I’m glad I had my friend’s article from last year to copy. But I’m not sure this is where we really want to go. Perhaps that will be the subject of another article – it would be interesting to see what an LLM would return if you asked if using one is really riding or just cheating. For a partial answer, I typed “Polaris and Other Cultures” into a free homework bot and got this as a response:

Polaris, also known as the North Star or Pole Star, holds significant cultural and navigational importance across various societies throughout history. Here’s how different cultures have viewed Polaris:

1. **Western Culture:**

   – In Western astronomy and navigation, Polaris is famous as the North Star. It appears almost stationary in the sky due to its alignment with the Earth’s axis, making it a crucial navigational tool for determining direction, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.

2. **Greco-Roman Culture:**

   – Ancient Greeks referred to Polaris as “Phoenice,” which means “shining” or “glistening.” It was noted for its consistency in the night sky, aiding sailors and travelers in navigation.

3. **Arabic Culture:**

   – In Arabic astronomy, Polaris was known as “Al-Judhari” or “Al Kutb al Shamali,” both meaning the “North Pole” or “North Star.” Arab astronomers recognized its steadiness and used it for celestial navigation.

4. **Chinese Culture:**

   – Chinese astronomers identified Polaris as the “North Star” or “Bei Ji Xing.” It was crucial for determining the celestial north and the directions of other stars in relation to it.

5. **Indigenous Cultures:**

   – Various indigenous peoples around the world also have cultural significance associated with Polaris. For instance, some Native American tribes viewed it as a pivotal guide for hunting and navigation, while Inuit cultures saw it as a beacon in the night sky.

6. **Literary and Symbolic References:**

   – Polaris has also found its way into literature and symbolism, often representing guidance, constancy, and reliability. Writers and poets have used its symbolism to depict navigation through life’s challenges or as a metaphor for a guiding principle.

Overall, Polaris stands out in cultural history as a star that has guided travelers, shaped astronomical observations, and inspired symbolism across various civilizations and epochs. Its role continues to be celebrated both scientifically and symbolically in contemporary culture.

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